
All posts for the month June, 2023


Parksville, British Columbia-based Ascent Helicopters will become the primary operator of helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) across the province, after the company was awarded a $544.4-million, 10-year contract by B.C. Emergency Health Services.

“It is a big vote of confidence for us at Ascent,” said Trent Lemke, owner of Ascent. “We’re excited about growing our ambulance fleet. It’s a great thing for the province, and it’s going to bring a higher level of care, especially for the smaller communities.”

Ascent will carry out these services using a new fleet of seven Leonardo AW169s, making the B.C. company the first operator to bring the aircraft type to Canada.

According to a spokesperson from the B.C. Emergency Health Services (BCEHS), the new fleet is expected to be operational in late fall 2024 to early spring 2025, at which time, Ascent will become the exclusive operator providing rotary-wing medical services across B.C.

“We’ve always been a fairly quiet company, but we’ve actually been providing this level of service on a smaller scale to [BCEHS] already,” Lemke said. “We have a proven track record.”

For more than five years, Ascent has been contracted to provide air ambulance services in B.C. and is currently one of three HEMS operators in the province.

Ascent currently operates an MD 902 helicopter for air medical services out of its Parksville base, servicing primarily Vancouver Island, the Sunshine Coast, and the lower mainland. The new AW169s will eventually replace that helicopter, along with two Bell 412s, operated by Summit Air, and three Sikorsky S-76s, operated by Helijet.

Lemke said the AW169s will be a “game-changer” for air medical services in the province, where the healthcare system relies on its airborne assets to transport critically injured patients across the massive region.  

“You look at the geographic issues with Vancouver Island, if you have to transport somebody from Tofino on the west coast [to a hospital in Victoria], you’re looking at 14 hours by road by the time you’re done,” Lemke said. “By helicopter, you can have it done in two to three hours.”

The twin-engine AW169 instrument flight rules (IFR)-capable helicopters will be equipped with night vision goggles (NVGs) and new medical interiors, completed by HeliMods in B.C.

Lemke said the biggest factors that led the company to select the AW169 is the aircraft’s ability to comply with the H1 heliport performance requirements, as well as its expansive interior cabin that can accommodate the medical equipment needed by the medical crew.

The aircraft will include HeliMods’ powered stretcher loading system, which is designed to easily load and unload road ambulance stretchers into the helicopter. Lemke said the powered load system will be used with the Stryker Power Pro XT stretcher system — similar to the AW139s operated by Ornge, Ontario’s air ambulance operator. He said this system will help “eliminate possible injury to medics from lifting, allowing heavier patients to be carried with less risk to the medics.”

Since Ascent often flies with critical care paramedics, its helicopters will also be equipped to carry blood on board. Once the fleet is fully operational, two 169s will be based out of Vancouver, and one helicopter each will be based out of Parksville, Prince Rupert, Prince George and Kamloops, leaving the seventh aircraft as a spare.

“We are eagerly anticipating great results from the new helicopters,” the BCEHS spokesperson said. Until all of Ascent’s new helicopters come online, the spokesperson said “the contracts with Helijet and Summit were extended to cover the transition that began April 1, 2023.”

Lemke anticipates the first aircraft to be delivered by the end of next summer. This will be followed by three to four months of conformity and inspections before final approval by Transport Canada.

“Obviously, there’s always a little bit of a worry bringing a new model type into a country — there’s been no 169 operated in Canada,” Lemke said. “We hope to get the support of all parties involved to help us support that aircraft in the best means possible.”

Ascent is tapping into the expertise of Babcock Canada, which it has subcontracted to provide maintenance services and logistics support.

BCEHS responds to more than 7,800 patients annually for air ambulance services using a fleet of fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft. This includes transportation for both medical emergency evacuation and transfers between healthcare facilities. In 2022, BCEHS’s helicopter fleet carried almost 2,400 patients, most of which were patient transfers.

“[The rotary-wing contract is] a big step for the province,” Lemke said. “The current government is spending a lot of time and effort trying to improve emergency services for remote communities in the province. We’re very enthusiastic to be a part of that.”

The B.C. government is also working through a similar contract for fixed-wing medical services.

Link to the original Article published in Vertical Mag.

Italfly – 40 anni di storia, 40 anni di emozioni, 40 anni di compagnia aerea …

Italfly: dont’t walk, fly

… ed è proprio quello che in questi 40 anni l’azienda ha fatto: iniziato il rullaggio grazie ad un sogno imprenditoriale del Cavalier Marangoni che nel 1983 fonda la compagnia aerea di aerotaxi con aeromobili per il medio raggio, seguita a ruota pochi anni dopo dall’apertura dell’Academy di volo che in poco tempo è riuscita a divenire punto di riferimento per la formazione di piloti italiani e anche d’oltralpe.

Con l’avvento del Comandante Gianguido Baldo ai comandi dell’azienda, Italfly ha vissuto anni di grande crescita con certificazioni sia in ambito executive che della scuola di volo che del comparto manutentivo.

Tutte queste realtà sono all’attivo ancora oggi, grazie alla conduzione di Luca Nabacino come amministratore delegato e all’ingresso di Massimiliano Baldo in qualità di Presidente della società che vede già in fase di sviluppo nuovi scenari di crescita sia grazie all’ampliamento del parco mezzi dell’area Executive che il consolidamento come Academy leader nella formazione di piloti di elicottero e aeroplano con una flotta che vanta l’unicità di avere 3 elicotteri Cabri per l’addestramento dei piloti e, ad oggi, più di 100.000 ore di volo nei cieli d’Europa sommando le due realtà: Executive ed Academy.

Ai festeggiamenti ufficiali tenuti sabato 10 giugno nell’hangar Italfly hanno partecipato tanti professionisti del volo, ex allievi, allievi attuali, piloti transitati nelle fila collaborative e molti amici e grazie alla conduzione dell’amico e giornalista dell’aviazione Fabrizio Bovi è stato possibile un breve momento di ringraziamento e racconti dal vivo fatti dal Cavalier Marangoni, dal Comandante Gianguido Baldo, dall’Amministratore delegato Luca Nabacino, dal Presidente Masssimiliano Baldo, dal Comandante Massimo Aita, dal CAMO Post Holder Ivano Andreatta e infine da Riccardo Bucci, preziosa collaborazione dei primi mesi di questo 2023 che ha raccolto in un libro intervista i primi 40 anni di Italfly, presentato proprio sabato in questa speciale occasione.

Italfly, sita in una location invidiabile grazie all’orografia montana del Trentino che la rende non solo attrattivamente piacevole da visitare ma punto focale per una professionale preparazione degli allievi è felice di aver festeggiato questo traguardo raggiunto grazie a tutte le persone che sono passate dai suoi hangar, dagli allievi ai professionisti, dai collaboratori agli amici che ancora oggi varcano la soglia dell’azienda e vengono accolti dal sorriso di chi oggi rappresenta Italfly: un’azienda fatta di persone.

Immagini ©: Federica SIMONI